About MIPSym

MIPSym is a simulator and IDE for the MIPS R2000 assembly language, written in C++ and Qt. It is under development as a university research project at Cal State East Bay.


MIPSym Simulator

Original Builder version written by James Laycock and Roger Doering.

MIPSym copyright © 2008-2012 James Laycock and Roger Doering

MIPSym ver2 copyright © 2014,2016 Roger Doering

Qt redesign by Roger Doering, Chris Uken, and David Dalcino

Mac and Linux ports by David Dalcino

MIPSymCLI: Simulator for Command Line Interfaces

CLI version by Roger Doering, Chris Uken and David Dalcino

MIPSym Assembler

Original Assembler by Roger Doering and James Laycock

Assembler copyright © 2002,2008-2012 Roger Doering and James Laycock

Assembler rewrite by Roger Doering and David Dalcino

MIPSym.com website

MIPSym.com website by David Dalcino


Roger Doering roger.doering@csueastbay.edu

David Dalcino ddalcino@gmail.com

Report a Bug

Please use the issue tracker.


MIPSym uses the open source font Deja Vu Sans Mono, copyright Bitstream Vera Fonts.

MIPSym is built using the Qt GUI framework.

The MIPSym Windows Installer is built using the Qt Installer Framework. Linux AppImages of MIPSym are built using linuxdeployqt.